Disclaimer: This poem was inspired by someone else's struggle with suicide. Don't worry I am not suicidal.
Suicide, why do you hide beneath my white skin?
Suicide, why do use my fake smile for your sin?
Suicide, why do you keep your cover until
the rope is tight,
the trigger is pulled,
the pills are swallowed,
the wrists slit?
A black phantom behind my face.
A dark word behind my lips.
A night in my day.
Suicide, why do you ensnare all my companions?
They didn’t know.
They didn’t see.
They didn’t recognize who had overtaken me.
You left a message on paper;
they read in disbelief.
Suicide, you are shy,
Suicide, why do you hide beneath my white skin?
Suicide, why do use my fake smile for your sin?
Suicide, why do you keep your cover until
the rope is tight,
the trigger is pulled,
the pills are swallowed,
the wrists slit?
A black phantom behind my face.
A dark word behind my lips.
A night in my day.
Suicide, why do you ensnare all my companions?
They didn’t know.
They didn’t see.
They didn’t recognize who had overtaken me.
You left a message on paper;
they read in disbelief.
Suicide, you are shy,
and yet you have the audacity to kill me.
Wisdom says "He that hates me loves death"
In the name of Jesus Christ satan be gone and take your filthy hands off my child now, I am your covering my sweet Me the Holy One of Israel". Jesus your saviour.
The day of Christ draws near it is soon at hand...the last seven years is in the spring of 2010.