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Showing posts from May, 2007

Fairy Tale

You are my fairy tale, my happy ending. My lovesick obsession. You are the hand that fits well in mine. The gleam in your eyes reminds me of how lucky I could have been. Should have been. Might have been. You, hope, are the seed of rejection.

Where They Kiss

Where justice and mercy kiss, I rest. Where justice and mercy collide, I stay. Where God crushed His Son for sin, I hem myself in. I will fix my gaze on this terrifying revelation of beauty. Fully able to save a sinful man. Committed, devoted Trinity. I give myself over to Your fragrant mercy I render myself helpless to Your judgment. Where justice and mercy approach one another, I bend. Where justice and mercy are content, I pause. In the paradox of love I remain. He hasn’t come to condemn, but to save. Nail pierced hands stroke my back. In His comfort and anger there is no lack.


It burns within me A longing that lingers too long. More than a seeking, more than a striving, more than a stirring. Can I just have You. Tempting holiness. Endless habitation. More than longing, more than a leading, More than a laboring, Can I just have You. Pant no more Lovesick no more More than a calling, more than a craving, more than a chasing, Can I just have You.

Slow to Speak

Words are the enemy. Like Daniel I acknowledge the power of silence in the realm of You. In the moment of encounter I see the vanity of words. In the depths of revelation I hear the power of my silence. At the sight of holy glimpse I order my tongue to cease. Words that groan in the inner man can't be spoken.