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Thought of Me

(This is dedicated to Josh for giving me the motivation to speak of the Love of the Father)

To say God is captivating would be an understatement. At the full revelation of the Godhead there will enter divine pleasure that will grip us for eternity. His beauty is unmatched and this is verified in the spirit man. His enormous power radiates an invitation of undefiled attraction. This beauty is tangible in human form and worthy of seeking out. God goes to great length to describe His physical beauty in the gospels. Often these descriptions fail to reach our appreciation. These veiled comparisons fail to unlock the richness. Revelation states His hair is as white as wool for example. This is biblically sound and holds the weight of inerrancy. But the complete understanding of this physical revelation has not reached its full potential. If we had full understanding into this feature of His hair being as white as wool we would radiate full purity. We would know His authority and sovereignty and not doubt. We are veiled to the knowledge that even His hair, in its strength, will manifest our obedience. God’s beauty in its fullness will cause an indisputable groan in our flesh and cause us to turn. This is indisputable because it is known that God is the completion of our pleasure and delight. This delight will demand our perfection. He made us and is therefore the exact representation of all that we could desire. The perplexing statement comes when one places their minds on the fact that God delights in us.
God’s delight in us is immeasurable. When God finds something He enjoys the universe shakes. How could a God of immense beauty and full knowledge ever find something that elates Him more than Himself? One would try to conclude that God must be satisfied in Himself because He is beyond fascination. Surely the human race must be of little importance. Just as the Psalmist said, “What is man that you are mindful of him?” But, God is mindful of that which He created. Not only is He mindful; He burns with love toward us. He finds us fully entertaining and acceptable. In Ephesians we get an insight into this reality.
Eph 1:3-6
For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will- to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

We are holy and blameless in His sight. That means His eyes are toward us and this sight can’t be penetrated by sin. He keeps us in His fierce gaze not once lacking pleasure. When He looks upon His chosen saints He sees something holy, set apart. Nothing compares with us. We are a unique treasure for His entertainment. We are vessels of His glory. We are blameless because God’s love exceeds our frailty. His grace goes beyond our accusations. It was by His pleasure and will that we were made and formed. He found utter delight in fashioning us and planning our destiny in Him.
Since man is not fully awakened to the grace and pleasure of the Father in Christ it is easy to reject the beauty of man. Still the word of God echoes that man was created in the image of God. The word continually restates that God can’t help but communion with His creation. He even delighted so much in what He made that He became as one of us. This is a mystery that could be studied for ages. But, despite its mystery it is fully revealed as God’s orchestrated plan. That Father God would find pleasure in His Son. His Son is the fullness of God dwelling in human form. This is what He was well pleased in. This was His beloved.
God loves the human race and is zealously demonstrative towards it. He has gone out of His way to show human kind that He is bound by covenant to love His chosen vessels. God covenanted, married us. It was not out of obligation or a safety net. God acted out of full free will and out of necessity. His pleasure in man fixed His Son’s death before the foundations of the world. God was so agonized over His separation from man that He took His greatest pleasure and sent Him to a brutal cross. Oh, the sacrificial love of God toward His creation is too enormous to expound on. To speak of it would defile it.
There is nothing prideful in relishing in the fact that God loves you. God hopes to reveal His immense fondness toward you. There is no degrading of yourself that would glorify God. He wants you to see your full potential. He wants you to radiate as lights to a dark world. He wants to love you and He wants you to be fully aware of His enchantment in you. In all my years of seeking out God there is one revelation that God is bold to proclaim. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him may have everlasting life. God gives His saints everlasting life not merely as a reward for faith. He gives it as a time where He can enjoy His people forever. It is His need.


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